Smile Charity Uganda is 100% supported by both part time and full-time volunteers who freely give their time, skills and talents to run the activities of the organization.
The organization provides a very small monthly stipend to meet their travel needs and food while in the field and on base serving.

We are currently open to have new friends and partners whether individuals, groups, Churches or Organisations to expand our work and ministry of caring for children at risk, communities in need and the Church in Uganda especially in Kampala and Wakiso districts.

Our Vision

Smile Charity Uganda (SCU) envisions holistically empowered and transformed lives through education, practical evangelism initiatives and community outreach programs in Uganda.


We aim for a long term rebuilding of lives through our domains namely Discipleshiop & Evangelism, Education Support, Skilling and Crisis care & management.

Major Objective

Our major objective is to promote and advance the Christian faith through practical community initiatives as a means to improve on the quality of life within communities of Uganda


  • Christ Centricity
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
  • Servant Heart

Our Team

The Talented People Behind the Scenes of the Organization

Alex Gift Ngabonziza

Chief Executive Officer

Ingabire Benigne

Human Resource Manager

Mukiibi Gabiti Joseph

Director of Operations

Silver Brown

Accounts Manager

Kizito Joseph

Field Manager

Nakayiza Moreen


Kakooza Francis

Security Observer

Ssozi Paul

ICT & Media Head